For anyone that may not know me or hasn't read through my blog I am a labor and delivery nurse. I love my job. One huge enourmous reason I love my job is because it makes me laugh sometimes. This may surprise you but there are some people in this world that aren't that brilliant. Me being one of them.
I want to give a little shout out to a gal that called me on the phone the other day.
Her: "I have a question, could I talk to a nurse."
Me: "I'm a nurse."
Her: "Well I am 38 weeks pregnant and I am already dilating. Is it ok if I get a bikini wax?"
Me: "Um.... I think that is ok, take some tylenol...I guess."
In my head,..."Personal preference I don't think I need to be in on this decision."
We all had a good laugh over that when I hung up. I told my compadres and Marsha a fellow nurse said, "You should have told her, "Oh yes please do, we prefer it." Yeah that would be great if some girl out there goes telling people in the community that a L&D nurse told her we prefer her to get a bikini wax. That would be just great.
We get some great calls. Some of the best come in the middle of the night like at 3 in the AM and a lot of times begin with, "Can I get pregnant if....?" and you can fill in the rest with pretty much any thing. Oh,....good times, it makes it a really fun job. But don't get me wrong there are plenty of other fun things too.